
Showing posts from 2014

The top ten treks for 2014 (part two of two)

In part one , I trumpeted the PCH and Pismo Beach, Rome, Texas, Silicon Valley and Disneyland. Today I'll go a little more off the travelocitybeaten track. If you're sick of Vegas glitz and New York ego, LA traffic and Parisian prices head to locales where attitude is only something one adjusts and not an aspirational state. Head to ... For kids-at-heart: Carlsbad Caverns, New Mex . is a wonderland of bats, caves, weird rock formations, underground pools and tunnels that is a real life Disneyland. If you have a fear of being buried alive, it may not be for you, but it'll definitely prove educational while also providing a fine work out. Self-guided or ranger-guided tours are available. To book a tour, click here for more info. The caverns are just south of Carlsbad, New Mex. in the Guadalupe Mountain Range. For "Breaking Bad" fans : As long as you're in New Mex., why not visit some of the sites made famous in the best episodic series to wind down in 20...