Ten packing tips when the flight leaves in two hours

This article initially appeared on Examiner.com
Almost summer and you and your sweetie are headed to Bora Bora - good for you! Problem is, he's given you an hour's notice because he got a special deal on Priceline and the flight leaves from Burbank tonight. Yikes.
Don't sweat it. Spontaneity is the heart of being alive. Okay, maybe that doesn't apply to packing, but even so, relax. You can do this.
Here's how:
(1) Make a list
You especially need your list when there are only minutes to spare before you leave the house. See items following for what to add to the list. Other items to consider: sweater(s) even if you are flying to the Bahamas; sunglasses!; travel pillow; slippers for the plane (especially for long flights); three t-shirts, one of them oversized; rainproof boots and jacket; tennis shoes. And DO NOT forget your passport if traveling abroad, or driver's license if flying domestically.
(2) Pack your Baggie before you get to the airport!
Pack your airline-certified sized Baggie (i.e. Ziploc) full of the lotions and other wet items you need. Please don't pack wee bottles of alcohol. Not allowed. Don't pack matches or even a lighter. Remember you will have to finish off that water before you get to the TSA agent and get screened. For more info visit TSA's website.
(3) Pack a white shirt
Doesn't matter if you are going to Brazil, Bermuda or Belmont, California for the weekend. You always need a white shirt. Maybe two.
And add two scarves and the jewelry you'd need to effect both a dressy and a casual look. I like to bring a faux turquoise necklace that always draws compliments; a turquoise scarf; an apricot and white scarf; and my silver heart earrings.
(4) Remember the sunblock
SPF 30 should always be in your purse or glove compartment, folks. Sun damage to our skin here in LA is a huge health hazard. You don't want to develop skin cancer as you are sipping Mai Tais on the Big Island.
(5) Pack a flash drive
This is more advice for the writers or anyone taking work with her on the trip, but anyone could benefit. Maybe you will need to copy your itinerary or that delish recipe for lamb chops your Aunt Candy shared.
(6) Enough underwear or panties
It seems that running out of panties or socks happens on nearly every trip, right? So think ahead. Just as you wouldn't want to run out of cash, pack three more pairs in your duffel bag than there are days you will be away. Especially if you won't have access to a laundromat or washer/dryer while you're on that Roman holiday.
(7) Jeans go with everything
Pack at least one pair of jeans in addition to the ones you wear on the plane - you know the ones. The comfy ones you've had since college, the ones that don't make your ur, fanny look big. You should mix it up - bring one fancy or high-end pair in addition to those you have on now!
(8) IPhone or other smart phone plus charger
This is obvious but just think of the repercussions if you forget your cherished tech. The chargers sold at the airport are pricy -- I once paid about $35 from a vending machine -- so be smart. Pack two chargers. And charge before you leave home. If you are stuck at the airport for hours you don't want to be fighting Millennials for elbow room at the charging stations!
(9) Earplugs, baby
Whether it is airplane noise, baby screams or just your kids' arguing you want to drown out, earplugs are one of life's great bargains. Bring a couple pair. You will also need them to get to sleep in San Juan because you won't be used to the beautiful sounds of frogs. After a day or two, your new environs produce white noise.
(10) Water!
You will have to dump out anything undrunk so don't pack more than three bottles, but do pack that. You are likely going to get stuck in some long line for TSA and you don't want to spend $5.00 a bottle at LAX. You will feel better when you are hydrated, too.
PHOTO: Via Wikimedia Commons Images: Mannequins wearing jeans in Sânnicolau Mare, Romania Deutsch: Schaufensterpuppen mit Jeans in Sânnicolau Mare, Rumänien; Mar 31, 2009 by Lion Hirth (Prissantenbär)


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