The top ten treks for 2014 (part one of two)

Hard to believe another year is upon us, but then, I am quite sure I said this Dec. 28, 2012 as well. This past year, the talk was full of Miley Cyrus, Edward Snowden, Obamacare, the Boston bombings, "BreakingBad" and a spate of states sanctioning gay marriage. Hopefully for you, it was also full of exciting and memorable travel; but if you are like many cash-strapped Americans, 2013 was a tight year. So let's look ahead to a more prosperous 2014. Grab your passport, suntan oil, GPS and favorite traveling companion and get your booking digits ready.
Herewith, five of the top ten treks for 2014:
  1. For techies: While technology is being manufactured from Japan to Chicago, California's infamous Silicon Valley is still the gold standard when it comes to all things geeky. Whether you'd like to visit Google's headquarters in Mountain View or the Apple Campus in Cupertino, SV lives up to the hype. (Note: it's not really a valley.)
  2. For romantics: Drive up the PCH to San Luis Obispo. The views of the Pacific from your convertible will rival anything you'd pay a lot more to see in Europe. Stop in Pismo Beach for bicycling, butterfly catching, surfing and dining. Explore coves, caves and seemingly endless miles of white sand. Get your toes wet in the ocean and warm them in your snug room, such as at the Kon Tiki Inn.
  3. For cowboys and cowgirls: Nothing says yee-haw! like a trip to Texas. And South Texas in particular has something to offer every would-be rodeo star, from the plethora of ranches that punctuate I-281 to the Alamo in San Antonio. Hit the River Walk while in "San Antone" -- top marks for the Iron Cactus Mexican restaurant at 200 River Walk -- and stay at the breathtaking Hotel Contessa, just steps away.
  4. For culture vultures: Get thee on a plane to Roma. RT from LA in late January will run you about $1450 on Air Berlin or two grand on British Airways. If you have extra time, spend three or four days in London before heading over to Italy. Hit the Tate Modern (for the Paul Klee exhibit), The National Gallery and The British Museum. Leave for Rome on any number of cheap airlines, such as Ryan Air. From London Stansed to Rome Ciampino you'll spend no more than 45 GBP (or 53.9 Euros, or just under $75 on average.) In Rome, don't miss the Vatican and Pope Francis, the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, and the ubiquitous sidewalk caffés.
  5. For families: It may be in your own backyard, but Disneyland still thrills. It's time to rediscover the magic that is the Pirate's of the Caribbean or get dizzy on the Mad Tea Party cups. Take advantage of LA's temperate winter and scurry on down. Summer is oppressive in Anaheim so now's the best time to tap your inner Snow White.

 To read part two, please click here. And for more travel tips for 2014, follow me on Angeles Cultural Travel.


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